Get Involved — APU | Student Government Association


There are many opportunities throughout the school year for the APU student body to get involved in the work that SGA does.

Have any questions or concerns?

Attend one of our weekly Business Meetings or stop by the office. SGA meets every Wednesday from 4:30-5:30 pm in the Presidents Dining Room. The Business Meetings provide an opportunity for every SGA officer to come together and share any updates, new ideas, and join in collaborative efforts to navigate student needs on campus. Students are welcome to sit in on these weekly meetings to gain insight on the projects that SGA is currently working on. Additionally, students are also encouraged to bring any questions or concerns to SGA in these meetings. No prior notification is needed, students can simply show up as they are.

If you are uncomfortable attending one of the Business Meetings, stop by the SGA office next to Marshburn Library. Any of the SGA members would be happy to answer any questions or bring any concerns to the rest of the team on your behalf.

We host Student Hours from 9am-4pm Monday through Friday where we can guarantee SGA members will be in the office. If you see the SGA office open any other times, please feel free to pop in as well!


SGA can provide funding for Clubs and Orgs that do not have full funding for their events. Clubs and Orgs board members can fill out the Discretionary Fund Request Form to have SGA provide financial help when needed. The form asks for information such as, proof of prior fundraising, and the reasoning behind the requested amount of funds. Once the form is submitted, the SGA Controller will review the request and reach out to the Club or Org about attending an SGA Business Meeting where they will formally present the request to the entirety of the student senate.

Student Support Fund Request Form

SGA Public Relations Endorsement