Last Updated: October 15, 2024

Current Projects

  • We are working with the Office of Commuter Life to create a new quiet space for commuters to rest during the day. Meetings with commuter life are happening frequently!

    Status: In Progress

  • Each year, SGA sends out a survey for all students, gathering input on academics, as well as campus facilities and services. The current Survey Committee is hard at work, creating a survey that will include relevant matters to this year's student body.

    Status: In Progress


Last Year’s Completed Projects

We heard you, and we did something about it!

  • Led by Senator Nina Fillari, the Wellness Committee successfully organized 2 fall semester blood drives, with record numbers of participants. Stay tuned for more blood drives in the spring semster!

    Committee Responsible: Wellness Committee

  • Starting in January 2024, feminine products are available for purchase in Shalom Café on East Campus.

  • Turned the old Paws N’ Go into a space for students to use. The Experience Committee held a promotional campaign for the name of the space in early fall semester.

  • Each year, SGA sends out a survey for all students, gathering input on academics, as well as campus facilities and services.